We’re extremely proud to announce a big achievement this week. We just received notice that the SQP1 Project team has won the NHBC National Award for Health and safety in the Multi-Storey Builder Category. It was presented to Adam Hedley of Berkley Homes.
From everyone at Yuanda, we want to congratulate the project team at South Quay Plaza on a job well done!
The NHBC Health and Safety Awards aim to increase the overall safety standards in the construction industry by only rewarding the very best in health and safety.
2019 marks the 11th year that the awards have been handed out and we’re proud to be a part of the winning project team.
You can see below highlights from the 2019 Gala Event earlier in the year.
The NHBC Health and Safety Awards are open to all registered construction companies. The awards are broken down into 4 categories:
There were only a total of 5 awards given in the National section. 3 National winners across the Medium, Large and Multi-Storey categories with the team at SQP1 taking the Multi-Storey National award. The remaining awards were given to the 2 national runners up.
The judging for the awards is completed by health and safety experts from CITB, Construction Products Association and the H&S Executive.
More information on the awards can be seen at the NHBC website.