Considerate Constructors

Yuanda Win Considerate Constructors Award

Last week Yuanda was awarded a Silver Considerate Constructors national company award. Achieving this award shows that our company has some of the highest possible levels of consideration towards the public, its workforce, and the environment through adhering to the Considerate Constructors Code of Considerate Practice.

The 2019 award winners were selected from the nation’s top-performing companies and monitoring was undertaken between 1 August 2018 and 31 July 2019. Throughout this period Yuanda was deemed to have played a fundamental role in improving the image of the construction industry as a whole and have been seen as a credit to the industry.

one blackfriars cap

One Blackfriars was awarded the Most Considerate Site in the > £50m category. A huge honour and we extend our congratulations St George City Ltd!

What is the Considerate Constructors Scheme?

The Considerate Constructors Scheme is an independent organisation that was founded by the construction industry itself in 1977 in order to improve its image.

Companies and suppliers can register for the scheme alongside individual construction sites. In doing so they agree to adhere to the Code of Considerate Practice which ensures a baseline of best practices over and above what is required by law.

The best practices that they outline not only relate directly to the construction activity taking place but anything in and around the site that could have an impact on the “image of the construction industry” as a whole. For simplicity, these have been divided into 3 categories, the general public, the workforce, and the environmental impact.

What is the Code of Considerate Practice?

The Code of Considerate Practice provides the expectations for the scheme and outlines the fundamental areas to which applicants must abide. It is broken into five parts and is relevant to “all registered sites, companies and suppliers regardless of size, type or location”

The Code is in five parts and contains a series of bullet points. Each section of the Code contains an aspirational supporting statement and four bullet points which represent the basic expectations of registration with the Scheme.

The following is a summary of each of the five categories to which the code relates:

See the full Code of Considerate Practice here.

south quay plaza

South Quay Plaza was awarded Gold and was the Runner Up to the Most Considerate Site in the > £50m category. Congratulations to the SQP Project Team!

Considerate Constructors Awards

Awards are given only to the top-performing registrants in three levels, gold, silver and bronze. In the “Sites” category (in which there are thousands of entrants) they are broken down into the following categories according to project cost: £500k; £500k to <£1m; £1m to <£5m; £5m to <£10m; £10m to <£50m; and £50m and over. Only one site in each category can be awarded the most coveted award of “Most Considerate Site”.

the madison

The Madison was awarded Gold in the > £50m category. Congratulations to the Madison Project Team!

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